Hinterland stakes cobalt claims in Gowganda, Ontario

Battery Metals

Hinterland Metals (TSXV:HMI) (“Hinterland”) is pleased to announce that it has staked 175 claim units (2,800 hectares) in four blocks located in the Gowganda area of north-eastern Ontario. Gowganda is located 85km northwest of the Cobalt silver-cobalt camp. The silver-cobalt mineralization found at Gowganda is identical to that found at Cobalt. As quoted in the …

Hinterland Metals (TSXV:HMI) (“Hinterland”) is pleased to announce that it has staked 175 claim units (2,800 hectares) in four blocks located in the Gowganda area of north-eastern Ontario. Gowganda is located 85km northwest of the Cobalt silver-cobalt camp. The silver-cobalt mineralization found at Gowganda is identical to that found at Cobalt.
As quoted in the press release:

From 1910 to 1989 Gowganda produced 60.1-million ounces of silver and 1.4-million pounds of cobalt representing 11% of the total silver and 6% of the total cobalt endowment of the Cobalt-Gowganda camp. Output was from ten separate mines with the Miller-O’Brien mine in Nicol Township being the largest, with production of 38.0-million ounces silver and 0.8-million pounds cobalt. (Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6318, pages 7-10). The claim blocks staked do not cover areas of past production.

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