Zinc Prices to Improve Soon, Says Anglesey Mining

Base Metals Investing

Proactive Investors UK reported that Anglesey Mining plc (LSE:AYM) believes that zinc and lead prices will improve in the near future, allowing the company to move forward with its Wales-based Parys Mountain project.

Proactive Investors UK reported that Anglesey Mining plc (LSE:AYM) believes that zinc and lead prices will improve in the near future, allowing the company to move forward with its Wales-based Parys Mountain project.

As quoted in the market news:

Base metal prices have so far not responded to any Chinese stimulus and to the perceived reduction in global production levels in the next few years, but the company expects ‘sustained upward movements’ to occur in the near future.

‘We continue to monitor the markets for the various metals that comprise the Parys Mountain project with the expectation that we will be able to move the project forward, with its relatively short lead time, to production once we sense the future upturn in these metal prices is well founded.’

Click here to read the full Proactive Investors UK report.

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