Nevsun Moving Ahead With Zinc at Bisha Mine

Base Metals Investing

Nevsun Resources (TSX:NSU) has completed a new zinc flotation plant at its Bisha mine in Eritrea. As quoted in the press release: The new zinc flotation plant adds to the existing copper flotation and Bisha will continue to produce both copper and zinc for the remaining current nine-year primary reserve life.  The Company initiated ore commissioning …

Nevsun Resources (TSX:NSU) has completed a new zinc flotation plant at its Bisha mine in Eritrea.
As quoted in the press release:

The new zinc flotation plant adds to the existing copper flotation and Bisha will continue to produce both copper and zinc for the remaining current nine-year primary reserve life.  The Company initiated ore commissioning of the combined plant on June 6, 2016. The plant was completed on time and well under budget, coincident with the exhaustion of the supergene ore.
This Bisha zinc expansion project will average over 100,000 tonnes (225 million pounds) of zinc and 20,000 tonnes (45 million pounds) of copper per year for the next nine years from mid-2016 and has excess capacity to absorb additional feed that might come from additional deposits without yet defined mineral reserves from Bisha deeps, Harena or Asheli.

Nevsun CEO, Cliff Davis, said:

We are again very pleased with how the zinc plant expansion has progressed, on time and under budget. We look forward to reaching commercial production before the end of Q3. In the meantime, we will continue to accelerate the monetization of the DSO high grade gold equivalent stock piles so as to augment cashflow during 2016.

Click here for the full press release.

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