Norilsk Nickel Announces Increase in Cargo Efficiency

Base Metals Investing

OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (LSE:MNOD) announced it has improved cargo transportation efficiency.

OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (LSE:MNOD) announced it has improved cargo transportation efficiency.

As quoted in the press release:

Fleet modernization and further optimization of container transportation with respect to cargos shipped from Dudinka made it possible to improve performance specifications of the vessels and reduce handling time during high-water period.

Since 2008 MMC Norilsk Nickel has been using own vessels to ship metals from Dudinka port during а high-water period on Yenisei River. Before its modernization and equipment with shipboard cranes, loading of diesel motor ship Norilsk Nickel took 16.5 days as it was effected by crane boat in the inner harbor of Dudinka port.

Click here to read the OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (LSE:MNOD) press release.

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