Inomin Mines on Ahead of the Herd

Base Metals Investing

Exploration company Inomin Mines (TSXV:MINE) was featured on Rick Mills’ Ahead Of The Heard.

Exploration company Inomin Mines (TSXV:MINE) was featured on Rick Mills’ Ahead Of The Heard.

In his piece, Mills cites Inomin Mines’ “close-ology”: the Beaver and Lynx projects are, “smack dab in the middle between two major BC mines overlying world-class porphyry deposits – Taseko’s Gibraltar mine and Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley.” In the article, Mills also states that Inomin has size, grade, scalability, longevity and infrastructure — which, he says, are elements to pique interest of a major.

As quoted in the press release:

Inomin’s Beaver and Lynx properties have all that in spades. Not only are the grades as good or slightly better than its neighbouring copper porphyries, my initial tonnage calculation shows a massive blanket of nickel sulfides with cobalt credits – and the latter is nothing to sneeze at, at 14 to16 bucks a pound.

It’s exciting to imagine the prospect of developing a long-lived nickel-cobalt mine on the strength of just one of MINE’s projects – the Beaver – a 32-square-kilometer patch of mineralization on par with some of BC’s most prolific copper-gold and copper-molybdenum mines in the same geological neighborhood.

Read the full article here.

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