Western Australia Court Gives Unions Okay to Recruit at Rio Tinto Iron Ore Mines

Base Metals Investing

Reuters reported unions in Western Australia now have the court’s permission to recruit members at Pilbara region iron ore mines.

Reuters reported unions in Western Australia now have the court’s permission to recruit members at Pilbara region iron ore mines.

As quoted in the market news:

The High Court of Australia on Friday refused a request by Rio Tinto to appeal a ruling by the Federal Court which established that a 2008 agreement Rio Tinto had with its Pilbara iron ore miners in Western Australia, bypassing unions, was not valid.

The result clears the way for unions to recruit Rio Tinto workers in the Pilbara iron ore region, where miners have shunned union representation for many years, and could flow through to other companies with similar agreements.

Click here to read the full Reuters report.

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