Researchers Probing Ways to Find Big Iron Ore Bodies

Base Metals Investing

Researchers at the University of Alberta and the UK’s Imperial College are examining iron ore deposits above subduction zones — where continental plates slide under each other — as a clue to finding large iron ore deposits.

Researchers at the University of Alberta and the UK’s Imperial College are examining iron ore deposits above subduction zones — where continental plates slide under each other — as a clue to finding large iron ore deposits.

As quoted in the market news:

Mr William Griffin Professor of Macquarie University, who’s been studying the distribution of diamond, gold and metal deposits, believed that the earth’s mantle holds the key. He thinks the mantle acts like a mould that guides upwelling magma into pockets. If those pockets and the passages that lead to them from the earth’s core are a certain shape and size, and made out of certain materials, then large ore deposits are likely to form when the magma cools.

Click here for the full article in The Australian

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