Black Iron Releases End-of-Year Update on Shymanviske

Base Metals Investing

The company said that in the second half of the year, Black Iron hosted a few multibillion-dollar companies at site as part of their due diligence to fund a portion of project construction.

Black Iron (TSX:BKI) has released an update on continuing work done advancing the Shymanivske iron ore project in Central Ukraine towards construction.

The company said that in the second half of the year, Black Iron hosted a few multibillion-dollar companies at site as part of their due diligence to fund a portion of project construction in exchange for purchase of the ultra high grade 68 percent iron content pellet feed iron concentrate expected to be produced.

As quoted in the press release:

Additionally, several meetings with Ukraine government officials have been held since receiving a proposal from Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence to secure the surface rights for a plot of land adjacent to Black Iron’s Shymanivske project for location of the processing plant, tailings and waste rock.

Click here to read the full Black Iron (TSX:BKI) press release.

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