Seabridge Gold Discovers High-Grade Copper at KSM

Base Metals Investing

Seabridge Gold (TSX:SEA, NYSE:SA) announced the discovery of a substantial high-grade copper at their KSM gold-copper project located near Stewart, British Columbia, Canada.

Seabridge Gold (TSX:SEA, NYSE:SA) announced the discovery of a substantial high-grade copper at their KSM gold-copper project located near Stewart, British Columbia, Canada.

As quoted in the press release:

This discovery, named Deep Kerr, has the best metal values found to date at KSM, its grades and widths are improving with depth, the down dip potential remains wide open and it is favorably located for cost-effective exploitation.

Seabridge Chairman and CEO, Rudi Fronk, said:

We found this prospective core zone target much sooner than we thought likely. Based on what we already know, we expect next year’s drill program to define large additions to measured and indicated copper and gold resources by the end of 2013. We also have the potential for substantially more upside if Deep Kerr proves to be a core zone similar to others found near comparably-sized porphyry systems.

To view the whole press release, click here.

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