Sama Resources Gains New Base Metals Exploration License
Sama Resources Inc. (TSXV:SME) announced that it’s obtained a new exploration license that’s contiguous to the Samapleu license in Cote d’Ivoire.
Sama Resources Inc. (TSXV:SME) announced that it’s obtained a new exploration license that’s contiguous to the Samapleu license in Cote d’Ivoire. The new license is an 80-kilometer land package, and the company plans to explore for base metals there.
Highlights include:
- New exploration license on highly prospective area
- First of four boreholes returned thick sub-horizontal layered sequences at 360m
- Downhole Geophysics to be completed in Q1 2016 at Yepleu and Samapleu
- Samapleu License has been approved for renewal.
The press release also states:
The Grata Permit is 100% owned by Sama Nickel Côte d’Ivoire SARL, a fully owned subsidiary of the Company. The Grata Permit is located adjacent to the north-eastern boundary of the Samapleu exploration permit (PR 123). Sama believes that ultramafic sequences of the recently outlined large Yacouba Layered Complex which hosts the Samapleu Nickel-Copper-Palladium deposits, are extending within the Grata Permit and as such represent a prime target for nickel-copper-palladium mineralization. Surface exploration is ongoing and will be followed shortly with exploration holes.
Click here to read the full Sama Resources Inc. (TSXV:SME) press release.