Rockland Minerals Announces New Independent Report on Blue Lake Project
Rockland Minerals (TSXV:RL) is in receipt of a new Technical Report that outlines significant assay values for copper, nickel, platinum and palladium discovery potential on the Blue Lake Project, Labrador Trough, Québec. The independent report details the 2012 Blue Lake drill program, provides new historical context, and presents several positive conclusions on the expansion of Cu-Ni-PGM mineralization at Blue Lake and surrounding areas.
As quoted in the press release:
The report introduces a conservative, recovery-based, copper-equivalent value (“CuEq”) for the Blue Lake massive sulphides to better help see the shapes of the Blue Lake mineralized bodies. Using this CuEq criteria, at 60% Ni recovery typical of these pyrrhotitic nickel ores, the non-43-101 Blue Lake 1989 historical massive sulphide resource is greater than 4 MT at a grade of greater than 2.2% CuEq. All the Blue Lake massive sulphides included in the historic resource contain approximately 0.2 g/t Pt and 0.8 g/t Pd, with richer grades in thin Pt-Pd-rich shear zones around the fringes of the massive sulphide lenses.
Click here to read the Rockland Minerals (TSXV:RL) press release