PolyMet Mining Completes Draft of Preliminary EIS for NorthMet Project
PolyMet Mining Corp. (TSX:POM,NYSE:PLM) announced that the preliminary supplemental draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the NorthMet project in Minnesota has been completed by ERM, the independent EIS Contractor.
As quoted in the press release:
The NorthMet preliminary supplemental draft EIS will be reviewed by the Co-Lead Agencies (MDNR, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the US Forest Service) and the Cooperating Agencies (the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, and Grand Portage Tribal Governments) prior to publication of the supplemental draft EIS for public review later this summer.
PolyMet Mining Corp. President and CEO, Jon Cherry, said:
This is a very important step toward completion of the environmental review and issuance of the permits we need to build and operate the NorthMet Project. The Agencies and their EIS Contractor have been engaged in very detailed review of the project design, which includes several project modifications in response to public and regulatory comments. The project modifications and improvements, such as the addition of a Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant, demonstrate our commitment to construct and operate NorthMet in a way that protects the environment.
Click here to read the PolyMet Mining Corp. (TSX:POM,NYSE:PLM) press release
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