Potash West’s Scoping Study Improves Dinner Hill Economics
Potash West NL (ASX:PWN) announced that a financial evaluation regarding the production of phosphate and potash fertilizers at its wholly owned Dandaragan Trough project points to “significant improvements in economics.”
As quoted in the press release:
The study assumes the production of single superphosphate (SSP) in a standalone plant for the first 5 years of operation. Subsequently, the glauconite concentrate and phosphate rock will be processed in a joint facility (Integrated K-Max plant) to produce potash products, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium sulfate and merchant grade phosphoric acid, as well as iron oxide and, aluminium sulfate for the remaining life of mine.
Potash West MD Patrick McManus stated:
When conducting the earlier phosphate only scoping study, we recognised that synergies existed for the staged production of phosphate, potash and other commodities with the implementation of phosphate and K-Max plants, using the same mining and beneficiation plant.
Click here for the full Potash West NL (ASX:PWN) press release