Passport Potash Begins New Drilling in the Holbrook Basin

Potash Investing

Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced drill updates for its Holbrook basin potash project. Passport Potash expect that the initial resource estimate will be complete in Q1, 2012.

Passport Potash Inc.(TSXV:PPI) announced drill updates for its Holbrook basin potash project. Passport Potash expect that the initial resource estimate will be complete in Q1, 2012.

As quoted in the press release:

The core drilling is expected to average 250 feet per hole for a total of 2,500 feet. It is anticipated that this advance preparation will expedite the completion of the core drilling. The data from this new drilling program will not be included in the initial resource estimate, but will be incorporated by Ercosplan in an updated resource estimate.

Passport Potash, President, Joshua Bleak, said:

The preparation work completed on these ten holes will really help us ramp up our current drilling program. The information from this new drilling will help us to further define and understand the exploration potential on our properties. We are encouraged to have the site visit by Dr. Rauche completed, and look forward to the resource estimate that we anticipate in the first quarter of this year. We are excited about the direction we are heading as a Company and look forward to what the rest of the year will hold for us.

Click here to read the Passport Potash Inc. (TSXV:PPI) press release

Click here to see the Passport Potash Inc. (TSXV:PPI) profile.

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