FEED Completion Confirms Colluli as the Most Advanced and Economically Attractive SOP Greenfield Development Project

Agriculture Investing
Potash Investing

Danakali Limited (ASX:DNK) (Danakali, or the Company) is pleased to announce the results of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) phase for the Colluli Potash Project (Colluli, or the Project), located in Eritrea, East Africa.

Danakali Limited (ASX:DNK) (Danakali, or the Company) is pleased to announce the results of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) phase for the Colluli Potash Project (Colluli, or the Project), located in Eritrea, East Africa. The Project is 100% owned by the Colluli Mining Share Company (CMSC), a 50:50 joint venture between Danakali and the Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO).
Colluli is fully permitted following (i) the signing of the Mining Agreement between CMSC and the Eritrean Ministry of Energy and Mines in 2017 (ASX announcement 1 February 2017), and (ii) the subsequent awarding of the requisite Mining Licenses^ (ASX announcement 1 February 2017).
FEED firmly establishes Colluli as the most progressed, economically attractive, and fundable Sulphate of Potash (SOP) greenfield development project globally. There is no other known SOP greenfield development project that has completed FEED.
FEED provides offtakers and funders with a high level of study detail and accuracy

  • The FEED results provide a higher level of financial certainty to project financiers, further de-risking the investment proposition and underpinning the Financial Model
  • Completion of well-defined procurement and supplier lists concludes the pre-requisites for the participation of Export Credit Agencies, which form a key component of the project finance strategy
  • FEED provides offtakers with additional confidence on Project certainty and fundability, which will support finalisation of binding bankable offtake agreements

FEED carries a high level of accuracy, and is the final study stage before project execution

  • FEED study carries an operating and capital cost accuracy level of ±10%
  • Fluor acted as lead consultant during FEED and was supported by a selection of highly qualified, industry recognised consultants with intimate knowledge of the Project obtained in previous study phases
  • Optimisation opportunities across the entire mining and infrastructure supply chain were identified and evaluated during FEED and are included in the final assessment
  • The majority of the cost estimates are supported by formal vendor/contractor pricing

The FEED results reaffirm the outstanding project economics of Colluli

  • Industry leading capital intensity achieved in the DFS (ASX announcement 30 November 2015) further reduced as a result of lower development capital requirements for Module I and increased annual production rate
  • Forecast first quartile operating costs
  • Net Present Value (NPV) of US$902M
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 29.9%
  • Danakalishare of NPV of US$439M with IRR of 31.3%

Modular development approach underpins highly scalable, long life project

  • Module I is expected to produce 472ktpa of premium SOP product
  • Module II, commencing production in year 6 of the Project, will increase total SOP production to 944ktpa
  • The Project has significant expansion and multi-commodity potential presenting additional value upside
  • Expected mine life of approximately 200 years at FEED production rates

Click here to read the full report.
Click here to connect with Danakali Ltd. (Danakali) (ASX:DNK) (OTCMKTS:SBMSF) for an Investor Presentation.

Source: www.danakali.com.au

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