Progressive Care Reports Strong Month and Forges Ahead on Expansion Objectives

Pharmaceutical Investing

Progressive Care Inc. (OTCPINK:RXMD), through its subsidiary Pharmco LLC, reported progress on the Company’s development agenda.

Progressive Care Inc. (OTCPINK:RXMD), through its subsidiary Pharmco LLC, reported progress on the Company’s development agenda.
According to the news:

The Company has received architectural plans for the site expansion and expects to begin construction by then end of this month. The estimated time frame for project completion is 3 weeks from issuance of city permits at which time Script Pro will be able to deliver the pharmacy robotic system. This expansion will allow the Company to aggressively market to long term care facilities and accelerate the work flow process.

S. Parikh Mars, CEO commented:

We are excited about the progress we are making on all of our 2016 objectives. We have filed licensing applications in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. This is the first batch of states pending approval and we are continuing to identify the next set of immediately beneficial markets. We are also reviewing additional expansion opportunities including potential partnerships, acquisitions, and development projects. We believe the Company is in a great position to execute on any of these new endeavors and achieve substantial growth and development in 2016.

Click here to view the full press release. 

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