Scripps Research Institute Spin-off iGenomX Launches with Transformational New Library Construction Technology for DNA Sequencing

Genetics Investing

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Veteran academic and industry genome experts have joined together to launch iGenomX, a precision library construction company for next-generation sequencing (NGS) applications. Working within The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), one of the world’s most notable research organizations, iGenomX has developed a patent-pending library construction platform that offers scientists increased control over the manipulation …

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Veteran academic and industry genome experts have joined together to
launch iGenomX,
a precision library construction company for next-generation sequencing
(NGS) applications. Working within The Scripps Research Institute
(TSRI), one of the world’s most notable research organizations, iGenomX
has developed a patent-pending library construction platform that offers
scientists increased control over the manipulation of DNA molecules. By
applying precision biochemistry to digital biology, the company aims to
deliver affordable and accurate applications for NGS library
construction, including droplet-based linked-read assembly of human
“iGenomX was founded to improve sequencer performance on digital biology
applications,” said Keith Brown, chief executive officer and co-founder
of iGenomX. “Our sequencer-ready libraries are constructed without
breaking a single covalent bond. By eliminating the inefficient and
expensive steps of fragmentation, repair, tailing, ligation and the
associated clean-up steps, we remove the bias and loss of information in
the results. More information is obtained from every molecule and costs
are reduced.”
The library construction technology was invented in the laboratory of
Daniel Salomon, M.D., at TSRI and licensed exclusively to iGenomX. Dr.
Salomon continues to lead the research and development team at iGenomX.
Kirk Malloy, Ph.D., a 13-year Illumina veteran who recently departed
from his role as senior vice president and general manager of the
Applied Genomics division, joins iGenomX as a member of the board of
directors. Several other notable TSRI scientists, biochemists and
bioinformaticians are supporting research and development efforts at
Few whole human genomes have been sequenced to produce an accurate
diploid assembly. Long-range information is required and presents a
technical challenge to the short-read sequencers capable of whole-genome
sequencing. These known challenges have fueled development of new
sequencing technologies and assembly protocols. Despite these advances,
current technologies remain costly and are prone to artifacts and errors.
iGenomX launches with a fundamentally new roadmap for NGS library
construction, which eliminates the source of many compounding sequencing
errors. Starting with a small number of isolated long-DNA molecules,
barcoded libraries are labeled through controlled polymerization to
reduce amplification bias. A genome-wide average coverage of 28x
(standard deviation of 21x) results in more than 98 percent coverage of
the genome. Ninety percent of the bases are covered within one standard
deviation of the mean.
“More uniform coverage of long-DNA molecules should improve our ability
to detect complex genetic variation, leading to a better understanding
of the genomic contribution to disease,” commented Dr. Salomon. “In the
coming months, we look forward to the partnerships and collaborations
that will prove the utility of this library construction technology.”
The company’s lead technology is now in beta-testing, undergoing
rigorous scientific validation and performance studies for an expected
commercial launch by the end of 2016.
“Current sequencing technologies are unable to separate or phase
maternally and paternally derived sequence information. They also come
with challenging protocols and a high price driven by the need to
sequence at greater depth. The challenges associated with creating
linked, synthetic reads at a nominal cost with a robust protocol has
resulted in a vast majority of incomplete human genome assemblies,” said
Kirk Malloy, Ph.D., board director. “The iGenomX library construction
technology has the ability to power several genome sequencing
applications including linked-read sequencing, whole genome analysis, de
sequencing and targeted sequencing.”
To learn more about the iGenomX library construction protocol, please
Journalists wishing to learn more about this new library construction
methodology are invited to contact iGenomX to schedule interviews with
founders and scientific leaders of the company.
About iGenomX
Founded in 2012, iGenomX initially sought to
provide clinical sequencing for recessive genetic disorders. However,
available commercial technology failed to produce a comprehensive test,
missing nearly 30 percent of known causal mutations. Compelled to
develop a technology that combines the best attributes of polymerase
chain reaction, microarray, Sanger sequencing and next-generation
sequencing, iGenomX pivoted to begin work on a low-cost sample
preparation technology capable of detecting all genetic variation.
Invented in the laboratory of Dr. Daniel Salomon at The Scripps Research
Institute (La Jolla, CA) and licensed exclusively to iGenomX, this
technology has become the core of all iGenomX NGS applications. In 2014,
iGenomX began operations in Southern California to further develop the
technology and intellectual property. More information is available at

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