Quinsam Offers Investment Update to Shareholders

Cannabis Investing News

Quinsam Capital Corporation shared an initial update with investors on the performance of the company during the second quarter of 2018.

Quinsam Capital Corporation (CSE:QCA) shared an initial update with investors on the performance of the company during the second quarter of 2018.

As quoted in the press release:

New Investments

We invested $440,000 in units of MVC Technologies Inc., which operates as Sail Technologies.  The company offers cloud-based software solutions to the cannabis sector.  We expect the company to list in the fall of 2018.

We invested $300,000 in shares of Eve & Co. Incorporated at $0.25. These shares have commenced trading and are at a premium to our cost.  This company is a late stage ACMPR applicant.

We made a small investment in Hystyle Brands Inc. (“Hystyle”).  Hystyle is a subsidiary of Gilla Inc. that is focused on vape technology.  Gilla Inc. plans to spin this off to its shareholders as a new public company.  We obtained a very small allocation of Aldershot Resources Ltd., which is expected to trade as Solo Growth Corp. in the near term.  Solo Growth Corp. is an Alberta dispensary applicant.

“While the cannabis sector has shown and likely will show significant volatility, we still see many extremely interesting investment opportunities,” said Roger Dent.  “We will continue to look for opportunities that are generally unavailable to the typical investor.  We will also remain focused on maintaining a tight cost structure.  By bringing a disciplined approach to this rather volatile sector, we have to date been able to deliver strong results for our investors.”

Click here to read the full press release.

Source: globenewswire.com

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