FinCanna (CSE:CALI) has been profiled in an article published by CannabisFN (CFN) Media Group regarding the company’s progress in leading the charge in California’s licensed medical market.
FinCanna (CSE:CALI) has been profiled in an article published by CannabisFN (CFN) Media Group regarding the company’s progress in leading the charge in California’s licensed medical market. Describing FinCanna as a “royalty company specifically focused on the legal medical cannabis market,” the article also highlighted the company’s focus in developing a licensed medical cannabis campus in Coachella, California as part of their move to stay within the medical market.
The article also addressed the company’s response to the recent memo from US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “FinCanna Capital and many other industry experts believe that the Sessions memo could actually pave the way to greater progress. In particular, the memo could create an impetus for members of both political parties to unify in efforts to create a clear federal policy further in support of the licensed medical cannabis industry.”
Lastly, the article discussed the company’s investment in Cultivation Technologies Inc (CTI). Under the terms of their investment, Fincanna will receive a royalty of 10 percent of CTI’s revenue from the Coachella facility and 50 percent of the profits from CTI’s interim extraction facility.
To read the full article, click here.
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