Unigold announced that exploration on the company’s 100 percent owned Neita Fase II exploration concession will resume in early October.
Unigold (TSXV:UGD) announced that exploration on the company’s 100 percent owned Neita Fase II Exploration Concession, located in the Dominican Republic, will resume in early October.
As quoted in the press release:
The company’s Board of Directors have approved up to 20,000 meters of diamond drilling with a total Budget of C$2.5M. The exploration program has the following objectives:
- Upgrade 50 percent of the inferred mineral resources to an indicated resource classification;
- Complete metallurgical tests and develop preliminary process flow sheet and design criteria for the oxide, transition and sulfide mineralization;
- Update the mineral resource estimates for the Candelones project;
- Support permit applications for both surface and underground mine development with the Dominican government;
- Complete additional geophysical surveys if warranted;
- Evaluate new geological targets proximal to the known Candelones deposits;
- Evaluate new geological targets along the east-northeast gold trend.