Impala Platinum Makes Strategic Investment to Advance Development of the Waterberg PGE Project
Platinum Group Metals (TSX:PTM) (NYSE American:PLG) (“Platinum Group”, “PTM” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Impala Platinum Holdings (JSE:IMP) (“Implats”) has entered into definitive agreements (the “ Implats Transaction”) with Platinum Group , the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (“JOGMEC”), Mnombo Wethu Consultants (“Mnombo”), and Waterberg JV Resources Proprietary (“Waterberg Resources”), whereby Implats will, subject to Reserve Bankapproval and other …
Platinum Group Metals (TSX:PTM) (NYSE American:PLG) (“Platinum Group”, “PTM” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Impala Platinum Holdings (JSE:IMP) (“Implats”) has entered into definitive agreements (the “ Implats Transaction”) with Platinum Group , the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (“JOGMEC”), Mnombo Wethu Consultants (“Mnombo”), and Waterberg JV Resources Proprietary (“Waterberg Resources”), whereby Implats will, subject to Reserve Bankapproval and other closing conditions:
JOGMEC will retain certain metal marketing rights to final metal related to the project. Platinum Group would retain a 31.96% direct and indirect interest in Waterberg Resources if Implats were to exercise its full option.
R. Michael Jones , CEO of Platinum Group said:
“We are extremely excited about the participation of Implats in the Waterberg Project . Implats will be fully involved in the Waterberg DFS and the fully integrated nature of Implats’ business also offers a clear potential roadmap to market for Waterberg production.
It is very satisfying to see the Waterberg discovery recognized and advanced by Implats.”