ALROSA Recovers First Diamonds from Verkhne-Munskoe Deposit

Diamond Investing

ALROSA (MCX:ALRS) announced that it has completed the removal of 75 tons of diamondiferous ore from Verkhnyaya Muna for trial processing at Processing Plant No. 12, and has recovered the first diamonds from the Verkhne-Munskoe deposit.

ALROSA (MCX:ALRS) announced that it has completed the removal of 75 tons of diamondiferous ore from Verkhnyaya Muna for trial processing at Processing Plant No. 12, and has recovered the first diamonds from the Verkhne-Munskoe deposit.
As quoted in the press release:

The removal of trial batches of ore from Verkhnyaya Muna began in October and ended on Saturday, December 23. Ore entered the processing plant to test the processing technology and confirm the content of diamonds. The Processing Plant received the ore to test the processing technology and confirm the content of diamonds. The trial processing was in regular mode. The final recovery shop received the first diamonds on December 25.

Alexander Makhrachev, director of ALROSA’s Udachny mining and processing division, commented:

Even now we can say that no additional reagents or water will be required for the processing of new ore. In general, crystals from Muna differ from rough diamonds from Zarnitsa or Udachnaya in form and color. Rough diamonds from Udachnaya are sharp-edged, and those from Muna are more rounded with lemon and brown ones among them. When rough diamonds arrive at the Diamond Sorting Center, we will get a more detailed report. In March, we will also receive a report and recommendations for work with the ore from Verkhne-Munskoe field prepared for us by Yakutniproalmaz Institute.

Click here to read the full ALROSA (MCX:ALRS) press release.

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