NAATBatt International of the United States; Phantoms Foundation of Spain, and; Grafoid Inc. of Canada, are pleased to announce the launch of GO Foundation (Graphene Organization Foundation), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting graphene innovation and commercialization for the betterment of humanity.
NAATBatt International of the United States; Phantoms Foundation of Spain, and; Grafoid Inc. of Canada, are pleased to announce the launch of GO Foundation (Graphene Organization Foundation), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting graphene innovation and commercialization for the betterment of humanity.
As quoted in the press release:
The Foundation’s website www.gofoundation.ca is now live and provides information on GO Foundation membership, eligibility criteria and program outlines for applicants.
GO Foundation supports start up graphene entrepreneurs, scientific innovators and small and medium enterprises engaged in materials and product development. Our aim is to assist entrepreneurs in bringing their inventions to market.
We accelerate the pace of adoption by businesses of materials and products enhanced with graphene; offer a neutral collaborative environment to develop strategies and initiatives, and; we offer a clustering approach to define graphene supply chains to speed the adoption of graphene in advanced materials and manufacturing.
Ultimately, our services to clients are intended to spur future graphene technology entrepreneurship; to assist SMEs and individual scientists fulfill their commercialization objectives, and; in part, to bridge government-corporate funding gaps.
For industry stakeholders, the Foundation holds the scientific expertise and supporting infrastructures for the establishment of standards – including ASTM standards – for graphene materials and products.
Creating Awareness
As an advocate for broad industrial acceptance of transformative, disruptive graphene technologies in materials and product development, the Foundation holds the capabilities to bridge knowledge chasms between business and science through the organization and promotion of international graphene conferences and scientific symposia.
GrapheneCanada (https://www.graphenecanada2015.com) 2015 is the first such international conference and exhibition devoted to commercializing Graphene and 2D Materials to be held in Montreal, October 14-16. GO Foundation and Phantoms Foundation are the co-organizers of the event.
Of key importance to the Foundation is our championing of the first Canadian graphene cluster through the consolidation of graphene-related ventures spun out of the Foundation’s activities in concert with other graphene or carbon technologies start-up enterprises, universities and research institutes, established companies, and; local, provincial and federal governments.
Over time, clusters encourage interaction between stakeholders, advise companies on potential research and/or commercialization partners, connect members to funding opportunities and investors, engage three levels of government, encourage the colleges and universities to develop curriculum that will prepare their students for jobs in the cluster, and; foster workforce mobility between established companies and start-ups.
Support for Diverse Material and Product Development
GO Foundation matches qualified applicants/clients and entrepreneurs with supporting technology and administrative regimes related to the following areas, but are not limited to: Graphene production engineering; electronics applications; energy conservation – grid transmission; graphene coatings; advanced additive medical and industrial materials for 3D Printing; graphene wiring applications; graphene related medical applications; water purification and soil remediation; thermal shielding; RFI shielding; graphene infused plastics and carbon-polymers; power storage and generation; upstream graphite processing; downstream graphite processing, and; metallurgical engineering.
With significant support from the Government of Canada and donations from major international organizations engaged in graphene technologies development, the Foundation’s services are provided from both financial and in-kind contributions from its Co-Founders.
Applications for membership, development assistance and/or participation in the Foundation’s graphene cluster and related programs are available now through the GO Foundation Secretariat. Eligibility criteria are posted on the Foundation’s website at:www.gofoundation.ca