Greentree Logistics to Implement VersaPay Corp.'s Accounts Receivable Automation Solution

Fintech Investing

Greentree Logistics is going implement ARC, VersaPay Corp.’s accounts receivable automation solution, ARC.

Greentree Logistics is going implement ARC, VersaPay Corp.’s (TSXV:VPY) accounts receivable automation solution.
According to the press release:

“The transportation industry is incredibly competitive and to set Greentree apart we have reimagined the carrier experience. We have selected VersaPay to help us deliver on that enhanced experience,” commented Abbey Van Vynckt, vice-president of finance at Greentree. “The ARC platform will save our customers a lot of time and allow them to make payments online in a PCI-compliant environment. Additionally, our team at Greentree will be far more efficient as they will no longer have to manually match payments to invoices and they will have access to information dashboards enabling them to better serve customers.”
“We have a number of customers in the trucking and logistics sector, and it’s great to see players like Greentree changing the game and using ARC to help them meet their objectives,” noted Craig O’Neill, chief executive officer, VersaPay. “We expect to see continued growth in this area as our ARC solution has proven to help these companies achieve a marked improvement in their business operations.”

Click here to read the full press release.


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