iOS 9's New App Draws Advertisers' Ire

Emerging Technology

Apple’s (NASDAQ:APPL) new iOS 9 News app has reportedly raised the ire of advertisers, who are upset with the restrictions placed upon the app.

Apple’s (NASDAQ:APPL) new iOS 9 News app has reportedly raised the ire of advertisers, who are upset with the restrictions placed upon the app.

According to Apple Insider:

Although publishers like CNN, Time, and Vox are making most of their content available in the app, some are said to be planning to offer a few dozen stories a day at most. Standouts in that sense include companies that depend on paid subscription models, such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Some ad executives have complained that common tools like real-time placement bidding aren’t in place for the News launch, and that Apple is requiring 48 hours notice before approving a campaign. The company is also allegedly demanding that pre-roll ads before video segments get their own approval.
Apple is moreover refusing to support Google’s DoubleClick ad platform. Edward Kim, a member of the online marketing company SimpleReach, argued to the Post that Apple is attempting to use News to build up iAd. That platform has struggled to gain ground in a market dominated by Google — whereas Google ads can reach virtually any device, iAd is unusable in some key spaces, like Android.

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