Zimtu Capital acquires securities of Trivello Energy Corp.

Company News

Zimtu Capital reports acquiring common shares of  Trivello Energy Corp. Zimtu now holds an aggregate of 4,883,000 common shares of Trivello, which is equal to 19.90% of Trivello’s issued and outstanding share capital as at June 8, 2010. In the event that all of Trivello’s warrants are fully exercised, Zimtu will hold a total of 6,413,000 common …

Zimtu Capital reports acquiring common shares of  Trivello Energy Corp.

Zimtu now holds an aggregate of 4,883,000 common shares of Trivello, which is equal to 19.90% of Trivello’s issued and outstanding share capital as at June 8, 2010. In the event that all of Trivello’s warrants are fully exercised, Zimtu will hold a total of 6,413,000 common shares of Trivello, or approximately 17.83% of the issued and outstanding common shares.

Zimtu’s investment in Trivello is consistent with the Company’s strategy of making early stage resource investments as well as creating and incubating companies to build value for our shareholders. As a major shareholder, Zimtu will contribute to the reformation and future growth and development of Trivello.

For complete news release, click here.

For Zimtu Capital’s profile, click here.

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