Molycor Gold Corp.: Beaverdell Silver Property Returns Silver Grades Up to 61.98 Ounces Per Tonne in New Zone
Molycor Gold Corp. (CVE:MOR) reports the identification of a mineralized sulfide zone during a field exploration program at Beaverdell Silver Property located 4 km southeast of Beaverdell, British Columbia.
Molycor Gold Corp. (TSXV:MOR) reports the identification of a mineralized sulfide zone during a field exploration program at Beaverdell Silver Property located 4 km southeast of Beaverdell, British Columbia.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Historically, silver, lead and zinc bearing mineralization has been commercially extracted within the Beaverdell property from quartz-sulphide fissure veins that occur in tensional (extension) structural (fault/shear) zones. These roughly tabular shaped quartz-sulphide ore zones and occur in the quartz diorite and granodiorite of the Jurassic West Kettle batholith.
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