Benz Reports Assay Results from Eagle Property

Silver Investing

Benz Capital Corp. (TSXV:BZ) received assay results from the 2013 diamond drill program completed at its Yukon-based Eagle property. The company completed two holes with the aim of “confirm[ing] grades reported by past operators.”

Benz Capital Corp. (TSXV:BZ) received assay results from the 2013 diamond drill program completed at its Yukon-based Eagle property. The company completed two holes with the aim of “confirm[ing] grades reported by past operators.”

As quoted in the press release:

Both diamond drill holes EAG-13-01 and EAG-13-02 intersected polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn ± Au, Indium veins which were intended to test the best historic intercept to date from diamond drill hole 64-23 which intersected 7,625 gpt Ag, 1.2% Pb over a 1.2 m interval.

Drillhole EAG-13-01 was intended to step out slightly from vertical diamond drill hole 64-23 and was drilled at an 85° angle from the same drill pad. The hole intersected 0.75m of 8.29% Zn, 204 gpt (7.20 ozpt) Ag and 55.18 gpt (1.95 ozpt) Indium.

Drillhole EAG-13-02 was drilled to step out from DDH 64-23 and was drilled 20° east of diamond drill hole EAG-13-01 at a 70° angle. The hole intersected 435 gpt (15.34 ozpt) Ag, 18.8% Zn, 238.1 gpt (8.40 ozpt) Indium and 0.42 gpt Au.

Click here to read the full Benz Capital Corp. (TSXV:BZ) press release. 

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