South Africa’s Platinum Future Lies in Newer, Shallower Mines

Resource Investing News

Mineweb reported that based on presentations and conversations that took place at this year’s PDAC convention, it’s clear that the future of South Africa’s platinum sector lies in newer, shallower mines, not the “deep-vein, shanty-town-lined mines of old.”

Mineweb reported that based on presentations and conversations that took place at this year’s PDAC convention, it’s clear that the future of South Africa’s platinum sector lies in newer, shallower mines, not the “deep-vein, shanty-town-lined mines of old.”

As quoted in the market news:

As South Africa’s Minister of Mineral Resources, Susan Shabangu pointed out to Mineweb last week, ‘If you look at the new mines in SA, they are completely different from your traditional mines, especially the old gold mines in the West Rand of Johannesburg and the platinum mines in Rustenburg.

‘If you go to Limpopo and look at the new mines, they are completely different. Most of them are mechanized, they employ young, literate people. They no longer employ people who don’t have matric; they employ people with a grade 12.

Click here to read the full Mineweb report.

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