Platinum ETF Surge on Implats Strike

Precious Metals

Mineweb reported Impala Platinum’s (JSE:IMP) mineworker’s strike has caused platinum etf’s to surge in trade.

Mineweb reported Impala Platinum’s (JSE:IMP) mineworker’s strike has caused platinum etf’s to surge in trade.

As quoted in the market news:

ETF Securities said that platinum ETCs had recorded weekly inflows of US$38m which is the highest level seen since May 2011. Palladium ETCs also recorded inflows of US$17m.

Supply disruptions due to the Impala Platinum (Implats) strike and the fear that the rioting may spread to neighbouring Anglo Platinum (Amplats) are behind the inflows said ETF Securities.

Click here to read the full Mineweb report.

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