Ivanplats Files Mining Right Application for Platreef Project
Ivanplats Ltd. (TSX:IVP) announced that it has filed a mining right application for its South Africa-based, platinum-group metals, nickel, copper and gold Platreef project with the country’s Department of Mineral Resources. It has also modified Platreef’s ownership structure to include a Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment partner.
Ivanplats Ltd. (TSX:IVP) announced that it has filed a mining right application for its South Africa-based, platinum-group metals, nickel, copper and gold Platreef project with the country’s Department of Mineral Resources. It has also modified Platreef’s ownership structure to include a Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment partner.
As quoted in the press release:
A Mining Right allows a company to mine and process minerals optimally from the mining area for a maximum period of 30 years, which may be extended upon application. An application for a Mining Right or renewal must be based on the size of the resource and the planned mining rate, adhering to the principles of sustainable development, including social impacts, health and safety, environmental rehabilitation and responsible mining.
The application review process will involve a thorough assessment of Ivanplats’ Environmental Management Program (EMP), Social and Labour Plan and Mining Work Program. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment will engage with all interested stakeholders, including local communities and governments. A complete EMP must be filed with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) within 180 days of its acceptance of the MRA. The entire application process will be administered by the DMR.
Click here to read the full Ivanplats Ltd. (TSX:IVP) press release.