GLTR Potential Palladium ETF for March Madness

Precious Metals

IBTimes reported on potential ETFs worth investing in March including GLTR an ETF including palladium, platinum, gold and silver.

IBTimes reported on potential ETFs worth investing in March including GLTR an ETF including palladium, platinum, gold and silver.

As quoted in the market news:

ETFS Physical PM Basket Shares (NYSE: GLTR)No guarantees, but perhaps history will repeat itself. That history being a low correlation to stocks by precious metals in March 2011. ConvergEx data published following the last NCAA Tournament showed the SPDR Gold Shares (NYSE: GLD) and the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) were among the least correlated ETFs to the S&P 500 in March 2011.

GLTR offers exposure to both gold and silver along with platinum and palladium and that could make the ETF worth a look if precious metals move to the beat of their own drummer this month.

Click here to read the full IBTimes report.

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