Franconia Minerals to Present at John Tumazos Very Independent Research

Precious Metals

Franconia Minerals Corporation (TSX:FRA) reported that the company will be presenting at the John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC Metals and Mining Conference in New York at the New York Helmsley Hotel on Thursday, March 25, 2010.

Franconia Minerals Corporation (TSX:FRA) reported that the company will be presenting at the John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC Metals and Mining Conference in New York at the New York Helmsley Hotel on Thursday, March 25, 2010.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Franconia is currently focused on the development of the Birch Lake copper-nickel-platinum-palladium project – consisting of the Birch Lake, Maturi and Spruce Road deposits – in the highly prospective Duluth complex in northeastern Minnesota.

Click here to access the entire press release

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