Wildcat Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:WEL) reported the inital drill report provided by San Gold Corporation on its Jeep Gold Property in Manitoba, for the first four of eight holes drilled to be assayed.
Wildcat Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:WEL) reported the inital drill report provided by San Gold Corporation on its Jeep Gold Property in Manitoba, for the first four of eight holes drilled to be assayed.
As quoted in the press release:
The current program is designed to test the Jeep quartz vein system deeper and down plunge of previous drill programs, and new gold horizons parallel to the Jeep trend. Significant results are as follows:
JP-12-001 0.368 ounces Au per ton over 3.8 feet core length from 73.0 to 76.8 feet. JP-12-002 0.141 ounces Au per ton over 2.5 feet core length from 92.0 to 94.5 feet JP-12-002 0.085 ounces Au per ton over 4.0 feet core length from 1471.0 to 1475.0 feet JP-12-005 0.238 ounces Au per ton over 1.9 feet core length from 168.0 to 169.9 feet
Tom Lewis, Wildcat’s VP of Exploration said:
San Gold has intersected gold mineralization on 3 of 4 holes drilled with available assay results. I am looking forward to the results from drilling deeper down in the system, and the step out holes testing structures parallel to the main Jeep structure.
Click here to read the full press release.