Trelawney Intersects 95.40 Metres of 1.85 g/t Gold at the Cote Lake Deposit
Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc. (CVE:TRR) announces additional drill results from the Cote Lake Deposit on the Chester Project located halfway between Timmins and Sudbury in northern Ontario.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The Cote Lake Deposit consists of low to moderate grade gold +/- copper mineralization which is associated with brecciated intermediate to felsic, and locally mafic intrusive rocks. Mineralization occurs in the form of disseminated and fracture-controlled sulfides which generally correlate to the gold values. Visible gold is commonly observed. The zones are bleached with the prevalent alteration being feldspathic, chloritic and biotitic. The nature of the alteration and mineralization is indicative of a porphyry-style deposit.
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