TomaGold Intersects 237.6 g/t of High Grade Gold Over 5.7 Metres at its Monster Lake Project

Gold Investing

With more than 60 flecks of visible gold seen in the core, TomaGold Corporation Inc. (TSXV:LOT) intersected 5.7 metres grading 237.6 g/t gold in Hole M-12-60, between 69.0 and 74.7 metres downhole in the NQ-calibre hole at its Monster Lake project near Chibougamau, Quebec.

With more than 60 flecks of visible gold seen in the core, TomaGold Corporation Inc. (TSXV:LOT) intersected 5.7 metres grading 237.6 g/t gold in Hole M-12-60, between 69.0 and 74.7 metres downhole in the NQ-calibre hole at its Monster Lake project near Chibougamau, Quebec.

As quoted in the press release:

Hole M-12-60 is part of an 18-hole drilling program aimed at demonstrating the continuity of Zone 52 at depth and confirming the northern extension of the Annie Zone. The hole was drilled in the northeastern extension of the Annie Zone, along the Monster Lake gold-bearing corridor, which has already been traced over a distance of more than four kilometres by drilling.

The mineralized zone consists of a vein of black quartz hosted by a strongly sheared lapilli tuff. The surrounding tuff is completely silicified. The mineralized section contains native gold over its entire length, as well as about 2% pyrite, 1% pyrrhotite and trace chalcopyrite. The sheared tuff containing the black quartz vein lies at 40°to the axis of the core, meaning that the reported width is not the true width. Based on visual observation of the shear zone in recently stripped areas and SOQUEM drill sections for the Annie Zone just to the south, the true width of the shear zone is estimated at 80% of the width cut by the core.
Hole M-12-60 was processed first due to the amount of visible gold in the section. The Company is in the process of compiling the remaining results, which will be released as soon as they become available.

TomaGold President and Chief Executive Officer, David Grondin, said:

“This is a major discovery in terms of both grade and continuity. The intersection has strong exploration potential, as it is open along strike and at depth. We will make every effort in the coming weeks to mobilize a drill and continue drilling to test the potential of this very significant discovery.”

Click here to read the TomaGold Corporation (TSXV:LOT) press release

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