TomaGold Corp. (TSXV:LOT) announced that it’s started a 1,500-meter drill program at its Little Monster, Cookie Monster and Monster Island properties.
TomaGold Corp. (TSXV:LOT) announced that it’s started a 1,500-meter drill program at its Little Monster, Cookie Monster and Monster Island properties. The properties are contiguous and are located along the eastern and southern borders of TomaGold and IAMGOLD Corp.’s (TSX:IMG,NYSE:IAG) joint venture properties.
As quoted in the press release:
TomaGold recently conducted a high-definition magnetic VTEM-type airborne survey on the Little Monster, Cookie Monster, Monster Island and Hazeur properties. The survey revealed strong electromagnetic anomalies, including some that had already been identified by IAMGOLD Corporation on the Monster Lake property and extend onto TomaGold”s properties. The drilling program is aimed at testing the more significant anomalies.
The drilling work began on December 3, 2015 and should be completed before the start of the holiday period.
David Grondin, president and CEO of TomaGold, commented:
We are pleased to be ahead of schedule, in a position to carry out a first phase of drilling before the end of 2015. Although exploration on these properties is still at the grassroots stage, the early survey results look promising, particularly as we can see some extension of the results of the surveys done on Monster Lake. This drilling program will help us better understand the gold potential on our properties.
Click here to read the full TomaGold Corp. (TSXV:LOT) press release.