Source Exploration Corp. (CVE:SOP) reports additional assay results for its surface and underground rock sampling program at its recently acquired Las Minas project, Veracruz State, Mexico.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Assay results have been received for sampling at the Las Boquillas, Cinco Senores, Yanillo and Las Minillas skarn targets as well as the La Miqueta, San Jose de Oro and El Alto historical mines.
Source’s President and CEO, Brian Robertson says:
“These recent assay results for the Las Boquillas and Cinco Senores skarn zones are very encouraging as they confirm the potential for outlining a bulk tonnage skarn deposits with significant gold, silver and copper mineralization.” “Sampling at other target areas on the property has also identified additional high priority drill targets.” “These early results will guide our upcoming diamond drilling program, which is scheduled to commence in February.”
Click here to access the entire news release.
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