Quaterra’s JV Partner Grande Portage Discovers High-Grade Gold

Quaterra Resources Inc. (TSXV:QTA,NYSE:QMM, AMEX:QMM) announced that JV Partner Grande Portage Resources Ltd. released assay results for drilling at the Herbert Gold Project north of Juneau, Alaska.
Quaterra Resources Inc. (TSXV:QTA,NYSE:QMM, AMEX:QMM) announced that JV Partner Grande Portage Resources Ltd. released assay results for drilling at the Herbert Gold Project north of Juneau, Alaska.
As quoted in the press release:
Hole 12J-3, drilled on the Goat Creek vein, intersected visible gold in a sheared quartz vein with a 2.05 meter intercept of 79.41 g/t gold (2.319 ounces per ton) which includes 0.8 metersof 192.5 g/t gold. The Goat Creek vein was discovered in 2011 by a single wildcat hole collared on a strong topographic linear feature which paralleled other well-mineralized east-west veins (Main, Deep Trench, Floyd and North). Seven holes were drilled from drill pad J in 2012. Assays from the first five holes are listed in the table below with assays pending for the other two. A map showing the drill holes is available on the Quaterra website.
Grande Portage President and CEO, Ian Klassen, said:
Every one of the 108 drill holes completed to date at the Herbert Glacier project has hit vein mineralization, confirming our belief that this is a large system with good continuity along strike and down dip as deep as we have drilled.