Nexus Gold's Diamond Drilling Intersects Prospective Lithologies at Walker Ridge Gold Project

Gold Investing

Nexus Gold (TSXV:NXS) reported that prospective lithologies in the lower plate rocks were intersected during diamond drilling through upper plate rocks at the Walker Ridge Gold Project in Nevada.

Nexus Gold (TSXV:NXS) reported that prospective lithologies in the lower plate rocks were intersected during diamond drilling through upper plate rocks at the Walker Ridge Gold Project in Nevada. Drill hole DDH-WR2015-01 intersected argillites and quartzites of the Snow Canyon Formation before crossing the thrust fault.
As quoted in the press release:

Drill hole DDH-WR2015-01 drilled through 1,800.3’ (548.7m) of argillites and quartzites of the Snow Canyon Formation before crossing the thrust fault and entering the silty limestones and calcareous siltstones of the lower plate.
Walker Ridge’s target is Carlin-type mineralization and the lower plate rocks are primary hosts of Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada. Also noted in the lower plate at Walker Ridge is the abundant presence of the mineral pyrite. Pyrite is also associated with Carlin-type mineralization in Nevada.
“It is yet to be determined if the rocks below the thrust fault are the Roberts Mountain or Hansen Creek Formation”, states Dr. Douglas Oliver, Vice President of Exploration. “However, both formations host economic gold mineralization at the Jerritt Canyon Mine, our neighbour to the south.” Dr. Oliver continues, “Now that the hole has reached the targeted host rocks, we expect to be in them for the next several hundred feet as drilling continues.”

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