Lake Shore Gold Discovers Potential 1.9 Kilometre Down Plunge Extension of Timmins Mine Gold Mineralization

Gold Investing

Lake Shore Gold Corp. (TSX:LSG,AMEX:LSG) announced results from Hole M-10-05b, called the Deep Hole, at its Timmins Mine.

Lake Shore Gold Corp. (TSX:LSG,AMEX:LSG) announced results from Hole M-10-05b, called the Deep Hole, at its Timmins Mine.

As quoted in the press release:

The Deep Hole successfully intersected the pyroxenite, accompanied by typical Ultramafic and Footwall style mineralization, including carbonate alteration, quartz tourmaline veining, pyrite and elevated gold values, at the 2,380 metre level (2,925 metres down hole), approximately 1.9 kilometres down plunge from the bottom of the current reserve assuming the same 53 degree plunge observed near surface.

Lake Shore Gold’s President and CEO, Tony Makuch said:

We are extremely encouraged by the results of the Deep Hole. It is an incredible accomplishment by our exploration team that, through their analysis and calculations, they were able to model the extension of the Ultramafic structure almost two kilometres away and intersected the structure with the first hole.

Click here for the Lake Shore Gold Corp. (TSX:LSG) press release.

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