Knick Exploration Confirms Extension of Gold Vein on Trecesson Property

Gold Investing

Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) reports that it has discovered seven historical drill hole casings which it says indicates the position of the northwest extension of Trecesson Number 1 gold vein. It is situated approximately 4.6 kilometers east of the Cossette Gold Vein System.

Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) reports that it has discovered seven historical drill hole casings which it says indicates the position of the northwest extension of Trecesson Number 1 gold vein. It is situated approximately 4.6 kilometers east of the Cossette Gold Vein System.

According to the press release:

The area of the historical drilling of the northwest extension is described as two northwest trending veins in two shear zones along granite volcanic and granite-diorite contacts, for a total length of 213.4m (700ft.). It was tested by 12 holes (1937 to 1945) in swampy ground along the northwest extension of the Number 1 Vein. Drilling was performed by Colonial Mines Ltd. in 1937, holes C11 and C12; by E. Pare
in 1939, holes P1 and P2; by Kayrand Mining and Development Co. during 1944-1945, holes K4 to K10.

The historical casings located by Knick are C11, 12, P2, K4 & K7, K8, K9, representing all three past drilling programs, along a strike length of 180 meters (590 ft.).

Click here to read the Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) press release

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