Guyana Frontier Reports Re-Sampling of Marudi Mountain Historical Drill Core

Gold Investing

Guyana Frontier Mining Corp. (CVE:GYG) reports the results of a drill core re-logging, re-sampling and re-assaying program at the Marudi Mountain gold project located in Guyana, South America.

Guyana Frontier Mining Corp. (TSXV:GYG) reports the results of a drill core re-logging, re-sampling and re-assaying program at the Marudi Mountain gold project located in Guyana, South America.

The press release is quoted as saying;

A total of 1,158 metres of diamond drill core was re-logged in six historical holes, and a total of 140 samples were re-assayed from three of the six holes (see results in Table 1 below).

Highlights of the Re-Sampling Program

  • DDH 91-60, originally drilled in 1991 in the southern Mazoa Hill target area, returned a weighted average of 2.61 grams/tonne gold over 151.80 metres, which included 111.05 metres of 2.96 grams/tonne gold from 0.00 – 111.05 metres;
  • DDH 93-85, originally drilled in 1993 in the northern Marudi target area, returned a weighted average of 2.12 grams/tonne gold over 21.33 metres from 90.17 to 111.5 metres, which included 8.44 metres of 4.89 grams/tonne gold from 99.52 – 107.96 metres;
  • DDH 94-114, originally drilled in 1994 in the northern Marudi target area, returned a weighted average of 2.37 grams/tonne gold over 29.64 metres from 165.36 to 195.0 metres, which included 6.85 metres of 6.26 grams/tonne gold from 183.00 – 189.85 metres.

Click here to access the entire news release.

Click here to access Guyana Frontier’s company profile.(TSXV:GYG)

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