Globex Acquires Copper-Gold Mines in Chibougamau Area

Gold Investing

Globex Mining Enterprise Inc. (TSE:GMX) acquires 100% interest in two former copper-gold producers in the Chibougamau mining district of Quebec.

Globex Mining Enterprise Inc. (TSX:GMX) acquires 100% interest in two former copper-gold producers in the Chibougamau mining district of Quebec.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The assets consist of the Quebec Chibougamau GoldFields Mine which operated for 3 years from 1963 to 1966 producing 264,000 tons grading 1.74% copper and 3.09 g/t gold and the Kokko Creek Mine which operated for 7 years from 1959 to 1966 producing 740,169 tons grading 1.15% copper and 0.22 g/t gold. These two properties are in addition to two former producers in the immediate area that Globex also owns, the Bateman Bay Mine (production 565,000 tons grading 2.09% copper and 3.09 g/t gold) and the Grandroy Mine (production 349,000 tons grading 1.24% copper and 0.75 g/t gold).

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