Bureau of Land Management Approves Orsa Ventures’ Second Phase of Trenching in Nevada

Gold Investing

Orsa Ventures Corp. (TSXV:ORN) received approval from the Bureau of Land Management for a Phase Two trenching program at its Coal Canyon Property in Pershing County, Nevada.

Orsa Ventures Corp. (TSXV:ORN) received approval from the Bureau of Land Management for a Phase Two trenching program at its Coal Canyon Property in Pershing County, Nevada.

As quoted in the press release:

Approximately 3,000 feet of new road were constructed at Coal Canyon to provide access to some of the mineralized zones and to expose altered bedrock for sampling. Trenching exposed an altered and mineralized contact between intrusive and sedimentary rocks. One of the sampled zones comprising a continuous group of eighteen samples from a strongly altered zone of calcareous siltstone averaged 0.015 oz. Au/ton over a distance of 142 feet (0.520 grams Au/tonne over 43.3 metres). Greater than 0.029 oz. Au/ton (1 gram Au/tonne) values have been found in a 5,800 foot-long, northwest-trending zone that is up to 500 feet wide. This zone contains anomalous arsenic and antimony values.

Click here to read the Orsa Ventures (TSXV:ORN) press release

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