Astral Commences Drilling on Los Crestones Gold-Silver Project, Mexico
Astral Mining Corporation (CVE:AA) reports that diamond drilling begins on its 4,168ha Los Crestones gold-silver project, the Sierra Madre gold-silver belt of western Mexico.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Three parallel vein/breccia zones, named Corona, Bohemia and Indio will be tested in this first-ever drilling program at Los Crestones. Astral plans to complete a minimum of 2,500m of HQ and NTW sized diamond core drilling during the program using a highly mobile diamond drill supplied by Energold Drilling Mexico.
Astral’s surface work to date on the project has returned highly encouraging gold and silver values from low sulphidation epithermal vein/breccia zones which have been traced for up to 900m along strike; recent results include 12m averaging 2.1g/t gold from hand trenching on the Corona breccia/vein and grab samples ranging up to 32.2 g/t gold and 368g/t silver from underground samples of the Bohemia Vein (see August 9, 2011 News Release).
Click here to access the entire news release.