Armistice Resources Expands Production Stope Development at McGarry Mine

Gold Investing

Armistice Resources Corp. (TSX:AZ) announced results from expanded production stope development at their McGarry Mine.

Armistice Resources Corp. (TSX:AZ) announced results from expanded production stope development at their McGarry Mine.

As quoted in the press release:

Total sill drifting is now at 820 feet with an average grade of 0.34 oz/t (11.7 g/t) (undiluted and without top cutting) over an average of 5.0 feet (1.5 m)
Sill drift development of future stoping areas continues to meet or exceed expectations
Three new gold zones are being developed on the 2250 and 2050 Levels close to the shaft
The 325N Zone on the west end of the mine is open to the west and now being developed on two sublevels with consistent results from sublevel to sublevel
The 330N Zone on the east end of the mine contains unique nugget-type distribution of visible gold in every face.

Armistice Resources’ President and CEO, Todd Morgan, said:

In particular, we were pleased to confirm that the gold zones encountered on the 2280 sublevel are being closely repeated on the lower 2330 sublevel. On the upper 2280 sublevel, the excellent mineralization defined in the #2W sill drift is now being extended to the west. Although assay results are pending, the gold zone is open to the west and continuing as expected in all sill drifts.

To view the whole press release, click here.

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