Germany Increasing Coal Use Despite “Energiewende”

Industrial Metals

Despite its “Energiewende,” or energy revolution, reports that Germany has increased its overall coal usage and is heading towards failing to meet its emissions targets for 2022.

Despite its “Energiewende,” or energy revolution, reports that Germany has increased its overall coal usage and is heading towards failing to meet its emissions targets for 2022.

As quoted in the press release:

Only last year the share of electricity generated from coal in Europe’s biggest economy hit the highest in 24 years. The country also opened more coal-fired power plants in 2013 than any other time in the past 20 years as it moves towards a target set three years ago, which aims to have all nuclear power stations shut down by 2022.

Germany’s energy revolution —or “Energiewende”— has come at a high price.According to Bloomberg, it has so far added more than $134 billion (100 billion euros) to the power bills of households, shop owners and small factories.

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