Coal Miners in Queensland Register Record Exports

Industrial Metals

Mining Weekly reported that coal miners in Queensland exported nearly 216 million tonnes of coal in 2014, thereby registering a record amount of coal exports during the year.

Mining Weekly reported that coal miners in Queensland exported nearly 216 million tonnes of coal in 2014, thereby registering a record amount of coal exports during the year.

As quoted in the market news:

[Queensland Resources Council (QRC)] analysis of port export data for the 2014 calendar year shows that the Port of Gladstone topped the list with exports of 69.6-million tonnes, followed by Dalrymple Bay with 67.5-million tonnes, Hay Point with 40.8-million tonnes, Abbot Point with 22.9-million tonnes, and the Port of Brisbane with 8-million tonnes.

QRC CEO Michael Roche stated:

What we are seeing are Queensland coal producers replacing the high prices of a few years ago with the volumes necessary to keep their operations viable in a currently depressed market.

Queensland producers are saying to overseas customers that they are here for the long haul with the reliable supply of a range of high-quality coals. Their first goal must be to outperform competitors attracted to the export market by record prices that peaked around 2009-10.

Click here for the full Mining Weekly report

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