Highbank Resources Ltd. (TSXV:HBK) reported that a barge is expected to arrive at the Swamp Point North site, carrying fuel, the excavator and hydraulic oil for commissioning the fleeting system. Highbank also reported that a Licence to Cut application is being considered for another 18 hectares within the Licence of Occupation area.
Highbank Resources Ltd. (TSXV:HBK) reported that a barge is expected to arrive at the Swamp Point North site, carrying fuel, the excavator and hydraulic oil for commissioning the fleeting system. Highbank also reported that a Licence to Cut application is being considered for another 18 hectares within the Licence of Occupation area.
As quoted in the press release:
Barge No. 8 to arrive at Swamp Point North (SPN) site at today, carrying fuel, the repaired Highbank Link-belt 290LX excavator and hydraulic oil for commissioning the fleeting system (winching system for moving barges during loading). Re-evaluation of the logging permit indicates we can expand 2 hectares to the north which opens up higher quality gravel (less fines). In addition, a Licence to Cut application is being considered for another 18 hectares within our Licence of Occupation area. The Highbank excavator will be dedicated to ditch construction and culvert installation to further improve operation during the fall and winter. Discussions are underway with various Prince Rupert companies to facilitate stockpiling of aggregate to ensure continuity of supply for any major projects forthcoming.
Click here for the full Highbank Resources Ltd. (TSXV:HBK) press release.
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